
Judy has been an enormous help in navigating and understanding the confusing world of Medicare Advantage. She takes the time to come to our house and discuss the differences in the various plans and helps us decide on the plan that best fits our needs. Judy calls from time to time to check that we are doing well and to ask if we have any questions or issues. It is great to have Judy watching out for our healthcare needs.


Judy has been our representative since December. We had some medical issues that took a lot of her time. She made a lot of phone calls to clarify the history and talk with our Medicare Health plan and Dr.'s office to ensure continued care of a specific medication/treatment was covered. Throughout the process, Judy helped to explain and clarify the necessary information while continuing to provide updates and guiding us in our next steps. Judy is very professional and knowledgeable. She handles your medical information with the utmost respect. She goes above and beyond to ensure that her clients are taken care of and understand their health plans. She feels like a great friend. I would recommend talking with her about meeting your healthcare needs.


I have recommended Judy Nelson to several people after she assisted me with finding the best Medicare advantage plan for me. She is very detailed in collecting information and explains all of the options in detail as well. She looks at everything available for each individual and makes recommendations accordingly. She also is available if I have questions about coverage through the plan year.


Thank you for taking the time to set me up with my Medicare insurance. You really did your research in helping me find the right health plan to fit my specific needs. You are so easy to talk to, great personality. Just love you Girlfriend. You are so good at what you do. I tell ever body they need to call you.
